Monday, November 26, 2007


The person who apparently created the anti-Hispanic fundraising ad for the Nevada candidate is angry at me for supposedly blowing his cover. Since this blog site is new and few people read it, although that will change, he has little to worry about. (Scroll down to see what all the fussing is about.)

In Pennsylvania in 2006, Senator Rick Santorum -- one of the most hapless candidates in recent memory tried everything to get some leverage. Eventually, he started using the anti-illegals rhetoric in hopes it would help. It didn't.

Bob Casey is in favor of immigration reform (basically, the legislation supported by President Bush). Rick Santorum was against it. As far as I can see, that stance might have helped him in illegal-phobic lHazelton, but not anywhere else.

Santorum spent $27 million on his campaign. Casey spent $17 million. Santorum ended up with 41% of the vote, while Casey got 59%.

Why are the Democrats holding their national convention in Denver, Colorado? Because they believe the growing edge they have with Hispanic voters will win them Colorado (where Tom Tancredo is in low single digits).

Oh, they also believe the Hispanic backlash against Republicans will win them California (even against Rudy), Nevada, and New Mexico. And they think they have a great chance in Florida (all those Cuban-Americans, you know).

If the Democrats are anywhere near right, we could face an electoral disaster in 2008. In the state of Texas there are 6.5 million Catholics, most of them Hispanic, and a much larger group than Baptists! If Florida goes, can Texas be far behind?

On one of the Democratic debates, a reporter asked Hillary Clinton if she supported making "English the official language." Hillary was ready. She said, "English should be the national language, but not the official language." I thought, "Wow, she's a real pro, and too many of us are mere amateurs."

When it comes to the Hispanic vote, we Republicans need to wise up -- and grow up. We need to come up with a strategy that won't cost us yet another rapidly growing minority group.

We especially need to reject racism in all its forms. Otherwise, we will be not the hoped-for "emerging majority," but rather the permanent minority party.

1 comment:

Sanity102 said...

Romney has joined the anti-Hispanic band wagon. Worse, he's trying to get the vile, racist rhetoric going again.

He and his handlers just don't get it...America will never accept a barb wired fence on our border and 12 million men, women and children rounded up like cattle and shipped. Too many remember the Berlin wall and a group of people also blamed for the economy and all ills of Germany were rounded up and shipped out.

The White man has been apologizing for decades for slavery and inequality...future conservatives will been spending an equal amount of years apologizing for the "I" word.

In fact, one of the Dems have already started, wisely insisting that there is no such thing as an "illegal" human being.