Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Murtha: My "Problems" With Him

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

JOHN MURTHA: SNARES, DELUSIONS, & MONEY (please click on the link preceding).
I'll be focusing on my new blog in days ahead. But I even have a column today on this site. It's another "practical politics" piece about what Lt. Col. Russell is doing right -- and should do in the future, in my humble (?) opinion -- and what Jack Murtha is doing wrong.

I even mention a money-figure ($500,000) that I believe Russell needs, which is never done in politics! Of course, getting a significant amount of "early money" (almost a year before the elction) if you're a challenger -- like Russell -- is a little like pulling off a suntan in Johnstown on December 4. It's about 25 degrees and snowing in these parts by the way.

Today, I'm "suggesting" that the campaign get 1,000 tee-shirts (Russell for Congress!) for volunteers to wear proudly every day until they disintegrate (the tee-shirts, not the volunteers). I don't blame the people at Russell headquarters if they're rolling their eyes. To some of them I might as well be suggesting they buy 1,000 tiny mousetaps. "Mouskateers for Russell!"

The reason you never mention money goals is that (at least) three things can happen, all of them bad.
  • You can be right on the number, which the media interprets as "barely met expectations."
  • Or your number can be too high, which makes the press say "fell short of expectations."
  • Or your number can be too low, which results in the story that you were "playing possum" and knew all along you were lowballing. (Mixed metaphor, I know.)

Please scroll down for comments on Murtha's claims about his legislative accomplishments, which are two parts snares, and three parts delusions. Some people in Johnstown know that but are afraid to say it. They're afraid they'll be tarred, feathered, and ridden out of town on a rail.

Not that will be folding up its tent near the end of December, but will go, in the poet's words, "as long as forever is."

Please visit it, bookmark it, and recommend it to 500 of your closest friends (even if they won't get tee-shirts).

I love my many visitors. Their presence not only honors me, but also amazes my rational side. In Ambridge, PA, we keep our expectations low, which means we're rarely disappointed.

I'll be with you until Election Day -- and beyond.

Please visit my new "SteveMaloneyGOP" site -- link in this sentence and above. I hope you'll find it to be the kind of place you'll want to return to every day.


A friend asked me why I dislike John Murtha so much. I sent him the following explanation:

"My problem with Murtha is that I despise the guy so much he unhinges me at times. I think he's a phoney, and I believe he turned his back on our military in order to run for Majority Leader. God, that's a terrible thing to do. What kind of a "man" would do that?

Also, he's totally inflated his accomplishments in the District. If he's one of "Nancy's boys" how can he have any connection with the mostly good people in his own District? Dozens of kids from the District have died and been seriously wounded. I have never heard the guy condemn al Qaida."

"He's either an egomaniac or the most cynical man in DC."

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